
Sustainability corporate and social responsibility

Closer – to people, issues, tasks

Impact and cause in view

For us it is important to take responsibility sustainably


Sustainability, resource conservation, human rights and ensuring the quality of life of future generations are essential challenges of our time. Both individuals and companies are increasingly challenged to help shape our societal and civilisational development in a value-oriented way.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility, short form CSR is a keyword for measuring a company’s contribution to corporate sustainability. Key areas of the CSR philosophy are environmental aspects, employee concerns, social concerns, human rights and the fight against corruption. stallmeyer does not close its mind to these values either. We not only want to live up to our economic and legal responsibility, also we want to act fairly and ethically beyond the existing laws and contribute to the common good. However, we do not misjudge, that there is often more than one „right“ opinion and that the assessment of an issue can depend on the respective perspective.


Environmental aspects

With regard to environmental aspects, it is important to contribute to the reduction of climate change as far as it is caused by humans. In this context, the reduction of harmful emissions from mobility is a particularly important goal for stallmeyer, as our activities require a high level of contact intensity with our clients. Therefore, we have started to install electric charging boxes at our locations so that employees or clients can charge their e-cars. For that we have an open and positive attitude towards regenerative energies, provided that possible disadvantages in production and application do not outweigh them. This also applies to intelligent transport systems.

stallmeyer Nachhaltigkeit und Verantwortung Ressourcenschonung

Conservation of resources

In addition, resource conservation is another aspect of sustainability: we are committed to the considerate use and economical consumption of natural raw materials. As a digital office, stallmeyer increasingly works paperless and thus conserves resources. In future we want to go even further! In addition to the attractive possibilities of digital cooperation and communication with our clients, we will also provide further impetus for saving paper, transport routes, and therefore push the digitalised exchange of data and documents as well as the digitalised invoicing of our services.


Of course, our employees are also one of the building blocks of our success. Only with them stallmeyer can ensure client satisfaction at the highest level and offer the best service. This is only possible if our employees enjoy working for stallmeyer. That is why employee concerns are also a priority for us. Self-evident is an appropriate remuneration of our employees. Attractive working time models, respect for the family situation of employees, regular benefits and also the consistent promotion and advancement of employees should enable every employee to lead a socially balanced working life within the framework of the guidelines set by the profession. In addition, we also support our employees with disabilities according to their respective abilities through appropriate educational and work projects.

stallmeyer Nachhaltigkeit Verantwortung Auswahl von Neumandaten

Codex for the selection of new mandates

Furthermore, in addition to the professional requirements, stallmeyer has imposed a code of conduct on the selection of new mandates. Accordingly, advisory and audit engagements are refused insofar it is recognisable that the legal representatives of the potential clients disregard human rights or other fundamental values (e.g. child labour, lack of occupational health and safety, forced labour). Auditing and setting up internal control and risk management systems is an important part of stallmeyer’s auditing and consulting strategy. Compliance with anti-corruption and money laundering regulations (combating corruption) are central starting points in our daily work. A strict compliance system is guaranteed by the intensive training of our employees as an important preventive measure.

Our conclusion of sustainable responsibility

We also understand sustainable responsibility as our contribution that flows back into the social life of society. The promotion of institutions for the common good can be a means of exercising social responsibility. One measure for social responsibility can be the promotion of institutions for the common good. At the latest since the European Green Deal, CSR has also become increasingly important in accounting. The so-called sustainability reporting will find its way into the reporting of companies on a mandatory or voluntary basis. “Der Bund der Wirtschaftsakademiker (BWA) e.V.” (Association of Business Academics) and its working group „Taxes and Auditing“ presented a proposal for a minimum set of key figures for the CSR report in 2021. Larsen Lüngen one of our partner is a member of this group. This will contribute to more uniform and thus more comparable reporting for analytical purposes.

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