
Electronic certificate of incapacity for work

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28. März 2022 (Datum der Veröffentlichung)

Electronic certificate of incapacity for work: What will change in the future.

The eAu, also known as the electronic certificate of incapacity for work, is a certificate from the doctor about the duration and nature of an employee’s incapacity for work. This electronic AU replaces the AU previously received from the doctor in paper form. The employee previously received this in three paper copies. One is for the employer, one for the insured and one for the health insurance company. This should no longer be the case. Only the employee will still receive a paper version; the rest will be sent directly to the health insurances by the doctors. These then make the data available for retrieval in the payroll programs.

What does this mean for the employer: The employee must continue to provide the employer with information about how long he will be sick. The employer passes this on to the payroll office, which enters the absence time in the program. Based on the entered absence time, the payroll accounting office can now start a query with the health insurance company and request the correct data; such as the actual duration, which is then reported back to the system. The employer therefore no longer receives paper copies of the sickness certificates.

The pilot phase has been extended from previously 30.06.2022 to 31.12.2022. from 01.01.2023 this procedure will then be mandatory for all employers.

28. März 2022 (Datum der Veröffentlichung)

Electronic certificate of incapacity for work: What will change in the future.

The eAu, also known as the electronic certificate of incapacity for work, is a certificate from the doctor about the duration and nature of an employee’s incapacity for work. This electronic AU replaces the AU previously received from the doctor in paper form. The employee previously received this in three paper copies. One is for the employer, one for the insured and one for the health insurance company. This should no longer be the case. Only the employee will still receive a paper version; the rest will be sent directly to the health insurances by the doctors. These then make the data available for retrieval in the payroll programs.

What does this mean for the employer: The employee must continue to provide the employer with information about how long he will be sick. The employer passes this on to the payroll office, which enters the absence time in the program. Based on the entered absence time, the payroll accounting office can now start a query with the health insurance company and request the correct data; such as the actual duration, which is then reported back to the system. The employer therefore no longer receives paper copies of the sickness certificates.

The pilot phase has been extended from previously 30.06.2022 to 31.12.2022. from 01.01.2023 this procedure will then be mandatory for all employers.

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