
Workation tax challenges and consequences

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7. August 2024 (Datum der Veröffentlichung)
stallmeyer Newsbeitrag: Workation Steuerliche Herausforderungen und Konsequenzen

Workations from a tax perspective

Workations, a mixture of work and vacation at any location, can bring with it various corporate tax challenges and consequences. It is essential to recognize these challenges, mitigate potential risks and correctly implement tax requirements to enable flexible mobile working.

Tax issues

If employees work abroad, this can lead to the establishment of a permanent establishment for income tax purposes, which entails registration and compliance requirements. These requirements vary depending on the destination country and can have consequences under wage tax, social security, VAT and employment law. The duration and type of activity as well as the target country play a decisive role here.

The permanent establishment for income tax purposes

A permanent establishment for income tax purposes can arise if certain conditions are met, and this is independent of income tax registration abroad. The definition of a permanent establishment varies depending on national law or double taxation agreements. In Germany, these definitions are often based on the OECD Model Tax Convention.

Possible forms of a permanent establishment

Various forms of permanent establishment can be relevant for workations:

1. Fixed place of business:

    • Diese erfordert eine physische Geschäftseinrichtung, Verfügungsmacht, unternehmerische Tätigkeit und Dauerhaftigkeit. Die genaue Auslegung der Verfügungsmacht und der Dauerhaftigkeit ist entscheidend.

2. Representative permanent establishment:

  • This form exists if a person concludes contracts on behalf of a company or plays a leading role in the conclusion of contracts.

3. Service permanent establishment:

    • This arises when services are provided over a certain period of time and a permanent establishment is established as a result.

Tax obligations – even without a permanent establishment

Even without the establishment of a permanent establishment, tax compliance requirements can arise for companies in individual countries even with a small number of days of activity. It is therefore advisable to examine each individual case individually or categorize them into pre-checked case groups for risk assessment.

Clear regulations and recommendations for action

Companies should define clear framework conditions in order to minimize risks. This includes defining mobile working during a workation abroad, determining the maximum duration and permitted countries as well as restricting it to certain areas of activity or hierarchical levels. Workation activities should be reported via a clearly defined process and collected centrally.

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