
New earnings limit for mini-jobs and midi-jobs in 2022

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14. Juli 2022 (Datum der Veröffentlichung)

New earnings limit for mini-jobs and midi-jobs in 2022

With the increase of the minimum wage to 12 EUR as of 1 October 2022, the marginal earnings threshold will also be increased from 450 EUR to 520 EUR.

The new legislation also regulates a „dynamic“ marginal earnings threshold. It is based on 10 hours per week at minimum wage conditions and future minimum wage increases will also have an impact on the marginal earnings threshold.

The limit of the transitional area is raised from 1300 EUR per month to 1600 EUR.


Grandfathering in the range of 450 EUR to 520 EUR


From 01.10.2022 onwards, employees with a remuneration of up to 520 EUR will be considered mini-jobbers and will therefore not be subject to compulsory insurance.

Employees who receive remuneration in the transitional range of 450.01 EUR to 520 EUR until the new regulations come into force will remain subject to compulsory health, long-term care and unemployment insurance until 31 December 2023.

In the case of long-term care and health insurance, the obligation to insure „lapses“ if family insurance exists in accordance with § 10 SGB V. The obligation to insure is also retroactive.

It is also possible to be exempted from compulsory insurance retroactively (as of 01.10.2022) until 02.01.2023 if no benefits have been claimed by this time. Otherwise, only from the month following the application.

Employees are already obliged until 01.10.2022 to ask the employees whether they make use of the exemption from compulsory insurance.

Download sample letter (for clients only)

The sample letter is in German language.

14. Juli 2022 (Datum der Veröffentlichung)

New earnings limit for mini-jobs and midi-jobs in 2022

With the increase of the minimum wage to 12 EUR as of 1 October 2022, the marginal earnings threshold will also be increased from 450 EUR to 520 EUR.

The new legislation also regulates a „dynamic“ marginal earnings threshold. It is based on 10 hours per week at minimum wage conditions and future minimum wage increases will also have an impact on the marginal earnings threshold.

The limit of the transitional area is raised from 1300 EUR per month to 1600 EUR.


Grandfathering in the range of 450 EUR to 520 EUR


From 01.10.2022 onwards, employees with a remuneration of up to 520 EUR will be considered mini-jobbers and will therefore not be subject to compulsory insurance.

Employees who receive remuneration in the transitional range of 450.01 EUR to 520 EUR until the new regulations come into force will remain subject to compulsory health, long-term care and unemployment insurance until 31 December 2023.

In the case of long-term care and health insurance, the obligation to insure „lapses“ if family insurance exists in accordance with § 10 SGB V. The obligation to insure is also retroactive.

It is also possible to be exempted from compulsory insurance retroactively (as of 01.10.2022) until 02.01.2023 if no benefits have been claimed by this time. Otherwise, only from the month following the application.

Employees are already obliged until 01.10.2022 to ask the employees whether they make use of the exemption from compulsory insurance.

Download sample letter (for clients only)

The sample letter is in German language.

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